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   “Imbolc Imbolc, The Season of Rebirth. Feel the infant stirring in the waters of the Earth. Imbolc, Imbolc, The Light will soon return, Born to Earth this winter night, Let the candles burn”

The above words come from a song called “Imbolc” by Aeolian Songspell.

Those who follow the rhythym of nature known as “The Wheel Of The Year” are paying heed to the cycle of light and dark. It gradually begins to get darker earlier after the longest day at Midsummer and gradually the daylight is extended after the shortest day at Midwinter. Then we have two midpoints during the year when the daylight and nightly absence of light are balanced, just for a short time. These are the Spring and Autumn Equinox. Alongside being aware of the physical interplay between light and darkn