- Rose Charities International | Sustainable and Local. No frills no admin costs…

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Hello everyone. Am Derrick Obin a 25years old  Ugandan. My country is found in East Africa. It is such a beautiful part of the world to live in. My journey with Rose Charity has been such a life changing one. The organization stood with me from childhood through support in education till completion. The tuition, psychological and emotional support I got from my coordinators enabled me to complete my course and am now happily serving the health sector in my country with love and passion. The message I have f

Brighter Smiles Group. Unsurpassed understanding. Unparalleled friend to Uganda.

Andrew first went to Uganda 60 years ago (image) and has returned an almost uncountable number of times since. As a paediatrician, Andrew has over half a lifetime been able to improve child health in Uganda by employing school-based health promotion. a concept that he originally developed in collaboration with Canada’s First Nations for their school system. The model seeks to creatively engage school children and their teachers to enable each child to acquire knowledge and practical life-skills that benefit

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