Example domain paragraphs

The following sermon was delivered by Bishop Vitus Huonder on December 8, 2018, in his cathedral in Chur, on the occasion of the ordination of a priest from his diocese. The text was made available recently through Paix Liturgique . The bishop, whose name has been very much in front of traditional Catholics owing to his marvelous new videos ( part 1 , part 2 ), presents a compact theology of the priesthood and defends clerics against the malevolence of those who prattle about the "clericalism" of traditiona

 He clothes his hatred by saying Traditionalists are ideological, and basically calling his predecessors John Paul II and Benedict XVI idiots (in so many words) for somehow not having the brilliant "pastoral" foresight he has -- that persecution is good and "pastoral"...

From his talk with Hungarian Jesuits, as reported by Jesuit periodical La Civiltà Cattolica: