- Romans 13 and the Christian Anarchist

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Hundreds of millions of people murdered. Billions of people enslaved. Trillions of dollars of property confiscated or destroyed. In the 20th century alone. What is Romans 13? The thirteenth chapter of Paul's letter to the Romans is the classic passage used by Christians to justify the existence of the State. The famous dictum, " The powers that be are ordained of God " is found in that chapter . An entire website devoted to a single chapter of the Bible?? The passage has been too often used by tyrants to ma

Actually, this website is devoted to only the first 7 verses of Romans 13. If we have a "hidden agenda," however, it is to view these seven verses in the context of the entire Bible . Those who see in Romans 13:1-7 a divine approval for "the State" take it out of its Biblical context (which begins in Romans 12 , the previous chapter, but also includes the teaching of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation ). Our position is that Romans 12 and 13 must be taken together as a unit. Our chapter divisions are not

Most Christians assume that the State is good. It is "a divine institution," we're told. Romans 13 doesn't really teach this, especially in its Biblical context.   

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