- Roger Hosey

Description: Roger Hosey - Contemplations of a Computer Cop. Blog related to digital forensics, polygraph, intellectual property crime, network technology, cryptocurrency, amateur radio, aviation, etc.

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A few years ago, while serving as Captain at the Landis Police Department, I wrote this piece for the Landis Police Department’s Facebook page to share information and clear up some misconceptions regarding “speed traps” in North Carolina. Although I have since moved on from Landis, this information still holds across our state and is relevant beyond our borders.

I recently read an article about a small town in Missouri, about the same size as Landis (population 3,400), which issued over 17,000 citations last year. Seventeen thousand! In contrast, Landis PD made a total of 992 traffic stops in 2014 & issued a total of 345 citations.