- - Australian Bloke's Mumblings and Musings

Description: Australian Bloke's Mumblings and Musings Blog

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Silly short boring guy (aka T.B.) on the CB radio promoting my site (thanks) today thinks “gene therapy” is false. This BIG wig at BAYER probably doesn’t exist in his mind either… I’ll pay anyone $10 if they can find one single “mRNA Covid vaccine” on the official The Australia Vaccination Handbook CLICK HERE – GOOD LUCK PS: Sorry no “lizard” stuff here, not my thing. That was T.B. lying to win another fight against himself.

Silly guy (aka T.B.) on the CB radio promoting my site (thanks) today thinks cloud seeding is false. VIC GOVT probably doesn’t exist in his mind either… How about QLD GOVT? Or this mob we’re paying for… And here… (click the two locations on the Australian map)

Oi Morrison you big pharma child jabber, a few folks would like a quiet word with you.