- The most up-to-date book to learn Ember Octane

Description: Ember.js is an opinionated framework for building kickass web applications. Its strong opinions and heavy reliance of “convention over configuration” can give developers coming to the framework a hard time finding out how "Ember wants them to do things”. This book helps to overcome that initial frustration and sets you on your way to master Ember.js. It does this by guiding you through the steps of building a real application.

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Ember.js is a kick-ass framework for building web applications . It's the only tool you need (on the client-side) to craft your idea into a working wonder. However, its strong opinions and heavy reliance on “convention over configuration” can give developers who are new to the framework a hard time figuring out how Ember wants them to do things.

This book helps to overcome that initial frustration, and help you grok Ember a lot faster , by pinpointing the core concepts and explaining them in detail. Once you understand them you are on your way to taming and mastering Ember.js. So don't fear the learning curve.

This book -- like Ember itself -- is for teams and individuals who want the productivity boost that comes from shared community solutions. Instead of reinventing the wheel, use Ember. Instead of scouring the web for advice on how to use Ember, read this book.

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