- rob on writing

Example domain paragraphs

So, I’ve been out of the game for a while. To be more specific, I have not been writing regularly for more than a few years. I AM still working on the fourth Sheriff James Pruett book, newly named “Border Land”, but I have been in self-imposed exile from my soul for a stretch. When […]

   Lately I’ve been writing blogs, stopping around the 2/3 mark, and moving on to another subject. Sometimes I think writer’s muses catch viruses akin to the flu, or maybe a better comparison is a computer virus; everything works fine for a while and then, progressively, chaos ensues, and the mind wanders away, confused. Nonsensical comparisons […]

Does anyone make major changes anywhere is the vicinity of their 50th birthday and not be accused of some type of midlife crisis? First of all, obviously there’s some truth (a LOT of it?) to the statistics that a higher percentage of men and women make a relatively bigger life change near midlife than any […]

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