- Robin Tschötschel - Researching science, society and politics

Description: I'm Robin. I study how we talk and think about science and politics and comment on how we could do better in our public conversation and policies.

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I study how we, as societies, debate and try to deal with large-scale collective challenges. I am particularly interested in how socio-economic transformations affect our ideas about social justice and identity. Currently, I am employed as a postdoc at the University of Hamburg , Germany, where my work is focused on climate change and the transition towards a sustainable economy and way of life ahead of us.  

Until late 2021, I studied how news media portray the science and politics of climate change in Germany and the United States and how citizens respond to such reporting. As a culmination of that work, in March 2022, I obtained a PhD in communication science at the University of Amsterdam — you can find my dissertation here . 

I enjoy making research and scientific knowledge accessible and useful for people that strive to change this world for the better. I do so by offering my expertise to media organisations, people working in education, and policymakers. If you feel you or your organisation could benefit from that, just write me an email .