- Robin Migdol

Example domain paragraphs

UCLA offered 25 Fiat Lux seminars spanning history to health to art Originally published by UCLA Newsroom The screen shows the familiar grid of small faces but everyone’s focused on the guest speaker, a student joining the class from his home in Wuhan, China, eager for their chances to ask questions. “Can you describe the […]

For the first time there was a showcase dedicated to community-engaged research Originally published by UCLA Newsroom n examination of how a museum exhibition that told the stories of HIV-positive people around the world through photographs they took of their daily lives affected people’s attitudes about HIV. An assessment of the effectiveness of a Los […]

Originally published by UCLA College Going into his freshman year at UCLA, Daniel Juarez ’19 freely admits, “I had no idea what I was doing.” The first member of his family to go to college, Juarez had fulfilled every requirement to get into UCLA, but he was lost when it came to the next steps […]

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