- Robert Tully Carr | Web Developer in Antwerp, Belgium

Description: As a web developer, designer and image-maker based in Antwerp, Belgium, I build beautiful, accessible, and performant content for the web

new york (12382) developer (8517) freelance (7560) usa (6814) belgium (1312) belgie (578) antwerp (256) robert carr (3) robert tully carr (1) anterpen (1)

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Hi, my name is Rob. I’m a web developer and designer living in Antwerp, Belgium. I build elegant, functional, and performant content for the web.

--> Static Websites Need a website for your business, and don't need a CMS connected to it? I build static websites in variety of technologies, and will select for your use case.

I have experience in fullstack development, working with technologies like React, Next.js, Ruby on Rails, Django, Express.js, and more. I can help tailor a web stack that fits your needs.