rml-cinechamber.org - Recombinant Media Labs | 360-degree Surround Cinema

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Recombinant Media Labs (RML) is a producer and presenter of artworks and performances based on spatial media synthesis and its enveloping VR / AR / MR offspring.

The RML CineChamber is a 10-screen wrap-around cinema experience, presenting seminal works from the RML archive alongside new projects by emerging artists-in-residence. The CineChamber is a large, but intimate, rectangular surround-screen apparatus, capable of scaling its 8 by 12 meter proportions to fit into auditoriums, theaters and concert halls around the globe. The platform offers extensive, immersive intermedia production opportunities and can be utilized by creators and innovators in a variety of way

The CineChamber can be "played" or "manipulated" as an AV instrument and provides international artists the opportunity to take their creative impulse to the furthest frontiers of aural, optical and film collage languages. Previous international artists who have created modules or appeared at RML events include: Alva Noto and Blixa Bargeld, Ryoji Ikeda, Maryanne Amacher, Christian Fennesz, Biosphere, Ryoichi Kurokawa, Speedy J & Scott Pagano, Chris Watson, Thomas Brinkmann, Monolake, Pan Sonic, Poie, Matmos

Links to rml-cinechamber.org (6)