riverapproved.com - 89.3 River Approved Partners – River Radio

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We've thought about what our listeners care about, and these are businesses who show that same care.

What does comfort mean to you? Is it a cool breeze on a scorching day? A cozy corner on a cold night? Or just knowing every room in the house is as inviting as the next? Comfort means more than just the temperature. And the team at Advanced Services Heating and Cooling in Chillicothe offer furnaces, heat pumps and 24 hour service to meet all of your home and business comfort needs. Advanced Services Heating & Cooling has sponsored The River for over five years! They are a River Approved Partner because Dave

Since 1999, Advanced Services Heating & Cooling has grown to become one of the largest HVAC companies in Ross, Pike, Pickaway, Fayette, Jackson, and Scioto counties. With more than 24 employees and 18 service and installation vehicles – Advanced Services has several divisions of workers specializing residential and commercial installation, a full time sales staff, and a full fleet of factory trained professional service technicians. With 24-hour live answering and service dispatch, Advanced Services promise