riveradelavegaendoscopia.com - 10 Hilarious ‘Pokémon GO’ Memes | Creamer's Cinema Craze

Description: The new fad of  Pokémon Go  has lit our phones on fire.  Ever since its initial release, it has officially become the biggest mobile app in U.S. history.  Pokémon debuted in the late '90s and became an instant hit with American audiences.  The franchise has spun many television series (which still continues today) along with…

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The new fad of   Pokémon Go   has lit our phones on fire.  Ever since its initial release, it has officially become the biggest mobile app in U.S. history .  Pokémon debuted in the late ’90s and became an instant hit with American audiences.  The franchise has spun many television series (which still continues today) along with plenty of games and merchandise to go along with it. 

As a Pokémon fan-boy, there was no doubt in my mind that I was going to download the new app that features the generation of Pokémon I grew up with.  The game is extremely addicting to play, as I cannot seem to give up catching all sorts of rare pocket monsters.  After all, you gotta catch ’em all right?

With a new game spreading like wildfire, it was only a matter of time for many memes to begin popping up all over the internet.  Some have been rather lame, while others are pure genius.  This list will consist in no particular order, the “10 Hilarious Pokémon GO Memes.”