rivendellbees.co.uk - Beekeeper Horticulture Artwork Honey Beeswax | Rivendell Bees Honey Co

Description: Rivendell Bees Honey Co is committed to compassionate beekeeping with a respect for nature. Beekeeper Horticulture Artwork Honey Beeswax. Our lovely bees produce local pure honey, together with beeswax that we use to make balms, candles and polishes. We also have a wide range of gift boxes, home and garden ware, and lots more.

the (18833) for (13419) and (11570) natural (4940) world (4238) beekeeping (358) respect (303) compassionate (105)

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Daventry, Northamptonshire

Compassionate beekeeping and respect for the natural world

Rivendell Bees Supporter Rewards