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Be wary of locksmiths who only accept cash payments. This is a red flag that they may be operating illegally or trying to avoid leaving a paper trail. Look for a locksmith who accepts multiple forms of payment, such as credit cards or checks. Companies like Locksmith Montreal accept various payment methods, thus reducing the risk of fraud.

Before hiring a locksmith, take time to do your due diligence and research the company. Check for reviews online or ask for recommendations from family and friends. It is vital to ensure that the locksmith you choose has a valid license and appropriate insurance coverage in case of any accidents or damages while on the job.

Once you have identified a few locksmiths , request price estimates from each of them. This will help you to compare and find the best deal that fits your budget. Be wary if any locksmith offers an unbelievably low fee; this could be a red flag indicating fraud or substandard work. Although there are some cases where a locksmith can provide discounts, getting an estimate is vital before any work begins.