rishikeshyogafestival.com - 承德律该医疗科技有限公司

Description: Come join us for 7-days of free yoga, music, meditation and healing. Welcome to the 12th International Yoga & Music Festival 2020.

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International Yoga and Music Festival is organized every year in November since 2008 by Nad Yoga Trust and sponsored by  Nada Yoga School in Rishikesh, India.

Every year, the International Yoga and Music Festival, invites you to join yoga classes in many different forms of Yoga from many different teachers or Yogis. They hold yoga classes in Yoga Asanas (Hatha yoga, Ashtanga, Iyengar, Sivananda), Pranayama (breathing exercises), Shatkarma (cleansing exercises), meditation and spiritual lectures. 

Ayurveda lectures are given by qualified experienced Ayurveda doctors, who check your entire health system, including reading your pulse. You will learn many basic things for your daily home use, to keep and balance your health.