risatrix.github.io - Amanda Krauss

Description: Lover of Great UX, Digital Strategist, Lapsed Classicist.

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I'm Amanda Krauss, and I solve things that look like tech problems but usually aren't. Sometimes code helps. Sometimes it doesn't.

I'm digital media leader who is happiest at the intersection of technology, user needs, and business goals. I care deeply about processes that make people happy and productive, and when it comes to digital organization, Marie Kondo's got nothing on me. I've heard what I do called product management, UX design, or content strategy; I don't really care what we call it, as long as we're making strategically smart decisions. If you'd like to see a a full résumé, please visit my LinkedIn profile .

As Christina Wodtke noted , "Being a good manager is 90% having a series of difficult conversations". I'm good at those, and also good at inspiring folks to do their best work towards a common goal. It doesn't hurt that I used to be a professor; I'm research-driven, a good public speaker, and I love the challenge of bringing different stakeholders to consensus.