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Welcome! I am a Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison , where I serve as the Associate Chair and Director of Graduate Studies. I am also a Faculty Affiliate at the La Follette School of Public Affairs , the Data Science Institute , the Elections Research Center , and the Center for South Asia . I was previously the Director of the Center for South Asia .

My research focuses on the political economy of development and migration, and on inequalities in political representation, mainly in South Asia. I am currently working on a book, joint with Saumitra Jha , on the conditions under which mass, nonviolent mobilizations can succeed. I am the co-author, with Bethany Lacina , of a book on the backlash against within-country migration across the developing world, published by Cambridge University Press . My papers have been published in various journals, including

Prior to starting at UW–Madison, I was a visiting fellow at the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics at Princeton University . I have worked at the Center for Global Development and the International Monetary Fund , and received a PhD in political science and an MA in economics from Stanford University , and a BA in political science and economics from Yale University . My preferred pronouns are he/him.