rikdomcoffee.com - Rikdom Coffee

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HOME ABOUT US OUR PRODUCT SUPPLIERS PORTFOLIO CONTACT HOME ABOUT US OUR PRODUCT SUPPLIERS PORTFOLIO CONTACT COLOMBIAN ARABICA PREMIUM COFFEE ABOUT US PUNTO C the company that owns RIKDOM COFFEÉ brand , is part of the  Holding of companies . Today PUNTO C I seeks to reach international markets throughout the continents, offering the best quality of product and service. Our clients are supermarkets, institutional, hotels, wholesalers and foodservice chains. We can sale our brand or produce a private label.

Our suppliers are primarily small scale coffee growers, whose priority is to carefully select and deliver the best raw materials. Their efforts are compensated through responsible trade; through which, PUNTO C helps support by paying fair prices.

Our coffee is cultivated at the heart of Caldas, Colombia. In a landscape full of slopes, where small family coffee grower​s give their all to care for their coffee fields. These families are associated to Cooperatives that provide them with training, technical assistance, and aid to improve their standard of living.