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In the Driller's Method, the kick is circulated out of the hole using the existing mud weight. The mud weight is then raised to the required level and circulated around the well. Two complete circulations are thus required, as a minimum, for this method. Since it deals separately with the removal of the kick and the addition of kill weight mud, it is generally considered to be the simplest of well control methods, and it requires least arithmetic. However, this results, in the well being...

The Wait and Weight is sometimes referred to as the 'Engineers Method' or the 'One Circulation Method'. It does, at least in theory, kill the well in one circulation. Once the well is shut in and pressures stabilised, the shut in drill pipe pressure is used to calculate the kill mud weight. Mud of the required weight is made up in the mud pits. When ready, kill mud is pumped down the drill pipe. At commencement, enough drill pipe pressure must be held to circulate the mud, plus a reserve...

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