rightsofthepoor.org - A.D.R.O.P.

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The Augustinian Defenders of the Rights of the Poor (ADROP) is a 501c3 not-for-profit public charity whose underlying principle is the preferential option for the poor. ADROP is dedicated to advocacy for and collaboration with the poor and powerless in our society. We look to identify the face of poverty, challenge the politics that perpetuate it and seek to influence systematic change that could lead to the alleviation of poverty as we know it.

We believe that the challenge of poverty needs to be seen through the eyes of faith, with the understanding that all persons are created in the image and likeness of God, and therefore must be respected and protected.

The Mission of the Augustinian Defenders of the Rights of the Poor is to build bridges between providers, recipients and community leaders across economic, political and religious spectra. A.D.R.O.P. accomplishes its Mission by matching individuals with identified needs to known resources in order to build better communities.

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