rickyclaytonrealty.com - Washington North Carolina Real Estate for Sale – Ricky Clayton

Description: Ricky Clayton Search Washington North Carolina real estate for sale throughout the county offered by Ricky Clayton and United Country Respess Real Estate

land for sale (989) acreage (772) farmland (235) farms for sale (205) lakefront property (161) ranches for sale (159) country homes (136) rural property (119) rural real estate (114) recreational property (98)

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Ricky Clayton has worked as a farm and wildlife manager for more than 22 years. During this time, he has managed hunting properties in the counties of Hyde, Pamlico, Tyrell, and Bertie. Ricky’s love of the outdoors began as a young boy growing up in Washington, North Carolina. He began hunting with his dad when he was six years old, and he learned to fish while spending summers with relatives in Hyde County. Becoming a Cub Scout at age 7 instilled, his love of all things outdoors. Ricky continued into Boy S

Growing up in Beaufort and Hyde counties and residing for a time in Bertie County, Ricky is well acquainted with Eastern North Carolina. Through his experience in farm and wildlife management, he has designed and maintained impoundments and food plots for clients including Canal Wood and Whitetail Farms, and he manages a private hunting property in Bertie County. He also continues to guide waterfowl, deer, and bear hunts in Eastern North Carolina. Additionally, he has been locating properties for clients an

- Timmy Winstead