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Description: Rick Ball is a highly-regarded expressionist artist. He is currently residing in Broken Hill, Australia.

contemporary australian art (5) expressionist painting (4) australian landscape art (2) dance in art broken hill artist modern primitive art prehistoric australian art rick ball rick ball artist richard ball broken hill

Example domain paragraphs

When I was in Year 4 at school, the class was given a project to do on Britain. I remember sitting at an old timber desk with ink well, mapping pen in hand and a Robinson Atlas open at the British Isles.

It was the beginning of lunch time, but I was engrossed in this pen and the dark ink as I began my squiggly line up the coast from London. Eyes darted like the needle of a sewing machine between the atlas and the blank page as I climbed up the twisted coast of England towards Scotland… noting every tributary and little island along the way.

After a while, it dawned on me that I could not guess the line of the coast. I was in awe. The shape of the British Isles was unpredictable and wild. I became enchanted and entered into this wild dance of coastline.