- Richard Reid - Richard Reid

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Richard is an entrepreneur, founder, investor, mentor, real estate broker, and more. He has worked in Fortune 500 & Fortune 1000 companies in addition to founding, building, mentoring, and growing several smaller companies. He grew up in a family of entrepreneurs, and has always been open to how new ideas and innovation can drive business and markets.

A graduate of the University of the South – Sewanee, Richard has a strong liberal arts background, a passion for learning, and a drive to educate and empower others to improve their lives. This passion is lived out through his companies, mentoring others, and helping others achieve their personal and financial goals.

Richard is a best selling co-author of "Top Dollar" that went to #1 on Amazon in the Real Estate Sales Category. He was also recognized with an Editor's Choice Award by the National Academy of Best Selling Authors for his work in the same book.

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