- Richard Bennett

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Studio veteran of 50+ years, record producer, longtime Neil Diamond and Mark Knopfler guitarist.

Spring’s sprung and clocks jumped forward for the last time, happily.  It’s the time of year that I begin springing back to life again after the long winter’s nap.  The warmer temps and increasing daylight are always a tonic to clear away the winter cobwebs. That said, I’ve been staying busy since the start of the new year writing and recording for myself and others.  I’ve spent more time doing sessions so far this year than the last three combined.  I had the opportunity to work with a brilliant r&b singin

On a completely different note, I’ve switched platforms for my album sales: It should make no difference to anyone wanting to download or buy a CD but, as of today, when you purchase through  my Store  the sale will be completed via  Bandcamp . Streaming continues on all the usual platforms.

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