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Hiperboreea (ISSN 2284 – 5666) is an online scholarly journal voy media a direct response agency which publishes studies and articles in English, French, German, Spanish or Italian from the field of History as well as book reviews or evaluations of scholarly conferences. Without limiting the scope of the research to a particular geographical area or historical period, the journal covers a wide range of interdisciplinary approaches and analyses on topics related to Cultural History, Political History, Milita

Since its first publication in 2012, Hiperboreea has a monthly periodicity (January 2012 – March 2013) and quarterly publication (until the end of 2013). Starting 2014, the journal appears biannually.

All articles published in Hiperboreea Open Access journal are peer reviewed and upon acceptance are permanently free for everyone to read, print, distribute and download. The method of reviewing is Double‐blind peer‐review  in which reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors, and authors are also unaware of the identity of reviewers. There has to be at least two reviewers for the total number of articles in each issue, with many journals inviting more to ensure responsive feedback. More details ab