
Description: If you are interested in a good job, a well-written CV will add a lot of value and increase the number of people interested. Buy a resume online on the

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If you are interested in a good job, a well-written CV will add a lot of value and increase the number of people interested. Buy a resume online on the net is not a problem at all, but you should always pay attention to the quality and the information it will contain.

It is advisable to include all contacts that are acceptable to you. Apart from e-mail and phone, include Skype, VK, Facebook, LinkedIn, github, habr, messengers where you can be reached. Keep in mind that if an employer is seriously interested in you, they will still look for you on social media. This is a mandatory part of the final ‘vetting’ before making an offer to a candidate. So by making it easy for the recruiter, you earn points towards your karma. Some recruiters say they love clicking on links on

I recommend “cleaning up” your social media pages before looking for a new job by removing harsh political statements, racist and sexist jokes and other controversial artifacts that might characterise you as inadequate. I have repeatedly received rejections for candidates with relevant skills on CVs on the grounds of “expresses views on social media that are not in line with our corporate culture”. You’re a distinctive person, but there are generally accepted ideas about morality and it’s best to at least t