- 2024 Elections

Description: Information pertaining the upcoming 2022/2024 elections in the United States

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“The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don’t alter their views to fit the facts, they attempt to alter facts to fit their views” ~ Dr. Who

G reetings…..  donald trump and the Republican Party accused the Democratic Party of stealing the Nov. 2020 election, when in fact, it was they themselves that tried and failed. They are preparing to try again in 2024. In a continuing effort to ensure that in those upcoming two elections and our Democracy is preserved, this site was created to help counter the ongoing stream of Republican lies and deception. A significant segment of the Republican Party subscribes to trumpism, a philosophy that caters to it

    To inform active voters of the danger our Democracy faces created by the conversion of the Republican party to trumpism…..   To demonstrate to the population at large, the various ways in which the GOP is attempting to eliminate democracy, using the tenets of former President donald j. trump as their guide….  and t o further enlighten those that support Democracy as to what they can do to preserve it and to hopefully convince some of those that don’t to abandon their support for the GOP and its toxic, a