- studio repair acts

Description: Connecting past stories about mending and fixing things, with what we do today, to how we envision the future. Repair Acts, Ireland wants to foster vibrant and restorative repair cultures in Ireland.

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studio repair acts fosters restorative cultures in Ireland by connecting past stories about mending, maintenance and healing with what we do today, to how we envision the future.

Taking a situated, arts-based approach we work across and within landscapes and infrastructures and alongside communities, governing bodies, craft, artisan, skilled trades and other professions.

Our work takes some of the following forms art exhibitions, installations, performance, documentary, storytelling, sound and video works, desk and applied based research, design interventions, conversational and pedological formats, community action and activism. Using these forms and methods we look to connecting local wisdoms and everyday lived experience to global economic, legislative and political flows and climate scenarios.

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