- Remy Wehbe

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Remy Khalil Wehbe (born December 1967) is the CEO of RW Investments, which has investments in Australia, Asia, and the Middle East, and the co-founder and CEO of the leading media group Oz Arab Media which covers Arab, Australian, and International news in both Arabic and English. He is a former Major at the Lebanese Army, a proud family man, and a devout Christian. In addition to having studied Transportation and Logistics at the Army Logistics University in Virginia (USA), Military Hospital Management at

Remy served in the Lebanese Army for almost two decades, which has been a foundation he is proud of as it values clarity, honesty, and loyalty. Through his experience in the Army, Mr. Wehbe has cultivated a deep interest in geography, history, and politics, which he continues to avidly pursue and employ as a proud member of the Australian Labor Party.