- 株式会社黎明グローバル・アドバイザーズ

Description: 黎明グローバル・アドバイザーズは、クライアントの戦略的成長および長期的な価値の創造を実現すべく、ファーストクラスのサービスを提供するフルサービスのM&Aアドバイザリー会社です。 Reimei Global Advisors Pte. Lt

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Reimei Global Advisors, Inc. is a full-service M&A advisory firm focused on providing first-class services to assist our clients in realizing strategic growth and long-term value creation.

We collectively possess more than 100 years of experience in virtually all areas of corporate finance practice, including domestic and cross-border M&A, LBO/ MBO financing, principal investments, corporate and financial restructurings, distressed credits, and post-acquisition integration. We can conduct business in Japanese, English, Korean, French and Turkish and enjoy access to unique business and regulatory relationships in an even wider array of jurisdictions, including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, In

Our corporate name, Reimei, meaning “dawn” in Japanese, embodies our sincere desire to bring our clients the power of life that daybreak brings to the Earth and to herald the dawn of a better era for their long-term corporate growth.