- The Regulator Bookshop | (919) 286-2700, 720 Ninth Street Durham, NC 27705

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Did you know that you can create a Wish List via our website? Anyone can do it, and then send their wish list to friends and family (ie "Jack Kerouac's Christmas gift wish list"). It's a perfect way for local teachers and school librarians to request books for their classrooms and libraries! Unfortunately, these folks often don't have enough funding or budget to purchase books they find important for their students. This is where we can all help! Teachers and librarians, it's easy to create a Wish List via

Educators, once you've created a list, and shared it with your group of supporters, let us know by sending an email to [email protected] to give us a heads up (and same if you have any questions), and we'll hold onto your books as they come into the shop. Then you can arrange to pick them up at a time that works best for you! Spread the word! Help your school and your kids!

Zoom book clubs will be the new norm for a while. Not all bad as you get to sit in the comfort of your own home, with your favorite elixir and your pet at your side.  If you have an on-going book club or are thinking of starting one, we can help you facilitate that with our online book club registry. Here is how it works: Send us an email with the following information:

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