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Description: Java is one of the most popular programming language and a platform. It was developed by the company named Sun MicroSystems which was later acquired by Oracle Corporation.

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Java is a programming language and a platform . It was developed by the company named Sun MicroSystems which was later acquired by Oracle Corporation. Now oracle manages and releases different versions of java. Java was created by a team led by James Gosling at Sum MicroSystems.

As a programming language, we can write programs in java using english based commands which can be executed on different types of devices. These programs performs a specific task when executed on the devices. Some basic example of programs are "Addition of two number" , "Multiplication of two number" "Printing a string" etc.

A program is basically a set of instructions written inside a file by following a programming language syntax. It performs a specific tasks when executed on a device. For example program of "adding two number", "multiplication of two number" etc.