- Red, White and Definitely Blue

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There was a time when Democrats and Republicans argued and fought but they compromised to govern, they got laws passed, budgets approved and Americans didn’t hate each other so much. The two main parties took turns in power and America zigged and zagged forward, a shining beacon of democracy and tolerance.

You may be red, you may be blue, but once the election is over and Donald Trump has moved home to Florida, everyone will need to put color aside and work hard to relearn how to work together. We’ll all agree on some things and we’ll disagree on others. We’ll argue and we’ll fight but we’ll follow the rule of law, we’ll compromise and we’ll try to move forward: that is the essence of democracy. All (legal) votes must be counted. The blues and reds take turns in power, moderate each other and no one drowns in

Donald Trump has enthralled Trumpublicans, commands the support of a majority of Republicans but dismayed a majority of all Americans. Hucksterism and showmanship is not the mindset we need from an American President right now. A successful President and all politicians must instead make a “broad church” appeal to both their supporters and opponents once the election is over. Politics is a never-ending debate but it should not be a never-ending war.