- L'Emprise de l'Escu Gules

Description: We portray a Medieval Order of Chivalry engaged in a deed of arms in Western France. The hastlitude is being held over a 3-day period in May of 1391 to commemorate the previous year's tournament at St. Inglevert. We make every attempt to be as accurate as possible to the armor and clothing of our chosen time period. So much so, that participation is contongent upon a person's harness and garb. We adhere to strict minimum standards within the perimeter of our tourney field and tiltyard. We are a member group

equestrian (1199) medieval (744) living history (175) middle ages (95) chivalry (19) jousting (18) ija (7) medieval france (3) deed of arms (1) st. inglevert (1)