- Recovered - Alcoholics Anonymous AA meeting in your pocket

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To skip the intro, tap 3:25   In the context of recovery, steps 4 and 5 play crucial roles in fostering personal growth, self-awareness, and lasting change. Step 4 involves making a fearless and searching moral inventory of oneself. This introspective process requires individuals to honestly examine their past behaviors,…

To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Popsicle Sticks is not a topic but rather a meeting style here in Southeast Michigan.  This show will be presented in the form of a popsicle stick meeting tonight. A popsicle stick meeting is a meeting where we let our higher power determine…

To skip the intro, tap 3:25   Step 3 marks a critical juncture in the recovery journey, urging individuals to take a decisive step towards surrendering their will and lives to a higher power. This step acknowledges the limitations of self-reliance in the face of addiction and emphasizes the need…

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