- Recording64 | Home Studio Tips, Tricks & More

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Got great news for you today! Recording64 just got a complete website makeover! It took me a lot of time, more than planned actually, but I’m happy to say it is finally ready. Things have changed on different layers, but essentially this new layout was developed to be more functional to you. Here’re some of …

Let me confess this to you. When I started out, I didn’t realize how much my room was distorting what I was hearing. I kept fighting with my mixes for a long time as they didn’t translate well to other playback devices. Sounds familiar to you? The end point is, how do you know if what …

“Convolution reverb is a process used for digitally simulating the reverberation of a physical or virtual space. It is based on the mathematical convolution operation, and uses a pre-recorded audio sample of the impulse response of the space being modeled. To apply the reverberation effect, the impulse response recording is first stored in a digital signal processing system. This is then convolved…” …