- Recommendation Insights

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Nothing I like better than getting a recommendation for something I just bought. Happens all the time with Amazon Simple logic: IF bought recently, THEN omit from recommendations If the AMZN recommender had a double-digit IQ, it would recognize that I buy this hand lotion periodically and send me a link when it estimates I […]

. 2012 Nov 5;107(4):484-7. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2012.03.001. Epub 2012 Mar 8. Retronasal Perception of Odors Viola Bojanowski  1 , Thomas Hummel Affiliations PMID: 22425641 DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2012.03.001 Abstract We perceive odors orthonasally during sniffing; in contrast, we perceive odors retronasally during eating when they enter the nose through the pharynx. There are clear differences between orthonasal and retronasal […]

Genetic science shows that wine descriptions and flavor profiling are way off base when it comes to helping people find wines that they will like. This is because the odds are very, very small for two people to experience flavors in exactly the same way. This is because every individual has a different set of […]