- Reciprocal Survival

Description: Reciprocal Survival. A critical life skill now if we want to build a world with a culture that works for the benefit of all life.

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H uman history has reached a tipping point. The underlying context of this critical moment is the concept of "Reciprocal Survival", a term that imparts the idea of mutual survival, where every entity in a system depends on the survival of the other for its existence. With examples like the Israel - Hamas war, the conflict in Ukraine, and the overarching global climate crisis, reciprocal survival has never been more important.

This article aims to discuss and emphasize the importance of reciprocal survival for the sake of humanity. We hover at a critical juncture in our history, a juncture where war is obsolete and we are facing serious threats to our existence, especially from the climate crisis. Organizations such as LoveShift, Beyond War, and The Foundation for Global Community have spearheaded efforts towards this new, transformative way of thinking. These entities propagate the need for us to perceive and respond to our worl

Survival is an instinctive element of life. From primitive times, every organism has been hardwired to fight for its survival. However, the survival strategies of the past, characterized by selfishness and a 'me-above-all' mentality, are not feasible anymore. The entangled connection among global societies and ecosystems necessitates a shift towards mutual survival, where we prioritize the existence of the 'other' as a condition for our own survival.

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