- Rebootcbdco

Description: We offer superior quality organic hemp extraction services in Colorado. Our hemp extract is organically grown and perfected in Fort Morgan, Colorado. Explore more!

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We take great pride in offering the finest quality products, including Topicals, Tinctures, Candy, and Soft-Gels.  Our Hemp Extract is organically grown and perfected in Fort Morgan, Colorado. Manufacturing is licensed with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Third party testing for mold, E-coli, herbicides, insecticides, residual gases, and heavy metals ensure safe consumption for our valued customers.

Health – Integrity – Quality

We take great pride in offering the finest quality products, including Topicals, Tinctures, Candy, and Soft-Gels.  Our Hemp Extract is organically grown and perfected in Fort Morgan, Colorado. Manufacturing is licensed with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Third party testing for mold, E-coli, herbicides, insecticides, residual gases, and heavy metals ensure safe consumption for our valued customers.