- RebekahSews

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You know that “go to” pattern you keep using time and time again? Well I have found mine! I sew up a lot of patterns, usually just once, maybe twice. However, this pattern I have sewn a total of 5 times already. I think that is a record for me! I also happen to be on the Blog Hop with this pattern! I’m sure you already know what it is just by the photos. You guessed it! It’s the Bow Back Beauty by Little Kiwis Closet !

This amazing pattern is full of options, like most LKC patterns. Coming in size NB-12yrs this lap style shirt features a bow back for your little ladies. Don’t think this is just for the girls though. She also includes an option for a plain back for the boys. Make a onesie, a dress or peplum top, or how about a hi-low dress. Sewing for the cold weather, long sleeved is the way to go. Is it summer time for you? Well then short sleeved or sleeveless is just perfect. Yes, all these options and more are include

Now, to tell you about mine! When I tested this pattern I made a hip length peplum top with long sleeves and an onesie with skirt with short sleeves. I also had the pleasure of making this cute owl inspired dress in a size 4y for a special little girl. I decided to add the knit binding to the skirt for this one! Love! For the two for this tour I sewed for the spring! The first one is a double layered dress-Minnie inspired. To make the double layer I used the peplum pattern piece and the skirt pattern piece.