- Realism Now | Take Back Government & Reclaim the American Dream

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“It’s Socialism!”  One thing that we can absolutely count on is that this will be the blanket Republican response to any proposal that benefits average people. Have the audacity to suggest that the wealthiest nation on Earth should provide universal health coverage? It’s socialism…even though every other developed nation has better coverage at lower cost than we do. Propose an aggressive response to climate change to protect our planet and provide good jobs for millions of Americans? It’s socialism…despite

The list goes on and on. In fact, we can expect that pretty much every pro-consumer policy proposal related to the economy will be viciously painted with the dreaded scarlet “S.” And not just any flavor of socialism either. No, not the brand of social equality enjoyed by Germany, Australia, the Scandinavian countries, or even Canada, each of which provide higher overall qualities of life as measured by the  2018 World Happiness Report . Nor the many aspects of socialism that exist in the US today such as So

No, those flavors of socialism would dilute their intended narrative. Instead, the Republican brand of socialism is the big, bad variety that strips people of basic civil rights and throws them in jail never to be heard from again. The socialism that forces people to labor away as virtual slaves in order to feed an insatiable state ever hungry for higher taxation, until these hard working citizens see their individual freedoms disappear. Or the old Soviet-style socialism where the central government forgoed