- RealFill

Description: RealFill: Reference-Driven Generation for Authentic Image Completion

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Example domain paragraphs

Recent advances in generative imagery have brought forth outpainting and inpainting models that can produce high-quality, plausible image content in unknown regions, but the content these models hallucinate is necessarily inauthentic, since the models lack sufficient context about the true scene. In this work, we propose RealFill , a novel generative approach for image completion that fills in missing regions of an image with the content that should have been there . RealFill is a generative inpainting mode

Authentic Image Completion : Given a few reference images (up to five) and one target image that captures roughly the same scene (but in a different arrangement or appearance), we aim to fill missing regions of the target image with high-quality image content that is faithful to the originally captured scene. Note that for the sake of practical benefit, we focus particularly on the more challenging, unconstrained setting in which the target and reference images may have very different viewpoints, environmen

RealFill : For a given scene, we first create a personalized generative model by fine-tuning a pre-trained inpainting diffusion model on the reference and target images. This fine-tuning process is designed such that the adapted model not only maintains a good image prior, but also learns the contents, lighting, and style of the scene in the input images. We then use this fine-tuned model to fill the missing regions in the target image through a standard diffusion sampling process.

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