- Disaster Preparedness - Fire Department

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In the wake of large-scale disasters throughout the world, the Pasadena Fire Department reminds all residents to be prepared for the type of disasters and emergencies that could affect Southern California.

The County of Los Angeles, Chief Executive Office, Office of Emergency Management, has published a comprehensive Emergency Survival Guide as part of the County’s Emergency Survival Program, .  This guide is available for your use by clicking on the adjacent PDF document.  The guide was produced by the County’s Office of Emergency Management   in cooperation with the California Emergency Management Agency, FEMA and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.  Use this handy

When a major earthquake or other disaster occurs, chances are that communications will be challenged. Cell towers may fall; electricity for TVs and computers could be out; media outlets may struggle to get out information and cell phone batteries will only last about a day without re-charging.

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