- It's Not You, It's Capitalism by Malaika Jabali – Why It's Time to Break Up and How to Move On

Description: Each year a multibillion-dollar self-help industry inundates us with books promising a path to love, happiness...and a better life. But It's Not You, It's Capitalism is the only one that can save your life. - Robin D.G. Kelley A biting, brilliant, often hilarious guide to socialism for budding anti-capitalists who know it’s time to dump…

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Each year a multibillion-dollar self-help industry inundates us with books promising a path to love, happiness...and a better life. But It's Not You, It's Capitalism is the only one that can save your life.

A biting, brilliant, often hilarious guide to socialism for budding anti-capitalists who know it’s time to dump their toxic ex (Capitalism) and try something finer. Journalist Malaika Jabali debunks myths, centers forgotten socialists of color who have shaped our world, and shows socialism is not all Marx and Bernie Bros—it can be pretty sexy.