- Business Growth | Recreational Work | Bulgaria

Description: Grow your business internationally! Re-locate your offices in Bulgaria. At Recreational Work, we've got your back. Our mission is to bring Bulgaria to the global business landscape, so join us on this quest!

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Our Mission

Log In Join us on the quest for your success! READ MORE Our Services Recreational Work’s mission is to accelerate growth in the Fintech and Tech community by helping starting businesses succeed. To achieve this our team provides complete expansion solutions to startups and the possibility for business relocation to a more economically stimulating location such as Bulgaria. Count on us to find the right funding, recruit the best talents and build together an expansion strategy that wins! 

Have you ever considered what you can do with your business if you double down your costs? It will certainly give you room to breathe and expand, especially in the current uncertain market situation. We've got an idea for you. Move to Bulgaria?! Bulgaria is not only a European tax haven but it holds one of the lowest production costs while being the birthplace of some of the greatest tech talents, especially the AI industry. We know Bulgaria might not be your first choice as we understand how difficult is s