rdshafran.com - Poetry | Cleveland, Oh | R. D . Shafran

Description: I consider writing to be the most presumptuous of undertakings. But I truly enjoy it. So, if my musings resonate with others, strike a chord in a fellow-seeker, all the better. I hope you enjoy the reflections of my world.

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Self-awareness, that most distinctive of human traits, ordains that we live our lives in the certain knowledge that we will die.  Now, if we were indifferent to life, then contemplating its cessation would cause no particular angst. We humans, however, are anything but indifferent to life.  We want passionately to go on living; with every fiber of our being we ache for more and still more life, frequently even when in the grip of great pain. But consciousness bludgeons our desires and mocks our dreams and m

Like oil and water, divinity and dust do not mix, do not join to make something new, but maintain their separate and incompatible qualities. And so, we are creatures of turmoil, of inner struggle, creatures tormented by the unanswerable “why” of our existence, who are prone to anxiety, panic, melancholy, ennui, fear, hopelessness, despair - all the product of knowing that our deepest desires will go unfulfilled.