rcpequity.com - RCP

Description: We amplify growing companies with people, process and resources to help them see around the corners and navigate what's ahead. Not Venture Capital and not Private Equity. We are Venture Equity who realizes that the path to success is never a straight line ... and we kind of like it that way.

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You have a great idea and you figured out how to clear the first significant hurdle to get it sales-worthy. But now, to take it to the next level, you could use some help. That’s where RCP’s Venture Equity comes in. We focus on owners that are passionate about their product or service, have (finally!) just come up for air, and perhaps are making a small profit. Yet, you are still considered “too small” for bigger private equity investors to care or too mature for venture capital. We sit in the middle to hel

We have skin in this game and what you see is what you get. No other investors dictating business decisions. We want to grow your business together in a way that helps us all.

Growth takes time. We know that, but we also understand the time-tested predictors of success that can get you to that next level.

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