rcdaudt.github.io - About Me - Rodrigo Caye Daudt

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Scientific assistant (postdoc) at ETH Zurich

I am a scientific assistant at ETH Zürich ’s EcoVision Lab , which is a part of the Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (PRS) Group . I currently work under the supervision of Konrad Schindler and Jan Dirk Wegner . My central topic of research is the mapping of snow depth in the Swiss alps with high spatial and temporal resolution using remote sensing data sources in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) and ExoLabs , and I also explore other lines of res

I have previously completed my PhD studies at ONERA (DTIS/IVA) and Télécom Paris (LTCI/IMAGES) under the supervision of Bertrand Le Saux , Alexandre Boulch , and Yann Gousseau . During this time, I was also associated with Institut Polytechnique de Paris and Université Paris-Saclay . My thesis explored the usage of convolutional neural networks for change detection and related data quality problems, such as label noise and domain shifts.

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